
Differentstrokesfordifferentfolksmeansthatdifferentpeoplehavedifferentpreferencesorwaysofdoingthings.WhatcontextcanIusethein?Learn ...,HithisisTutorNickPandthisisProverbs135.Theproverbtodayisdifferent;strokesfordifferentfolks.Okay.Let'stakealookatthe ...,DIFFERENTSTROKESFORDIFFERENTFOLKSdefinition:saidtomeanthatpeoplearedifferent,andthatsomeindividualsorgroupshave.,Proverbialsaying,late20thcen...

Meaning of Different strokes for different folks

Different strokes for different folks means that different people have different preferences or ways of doing things. What context can I use the in? Learn ...

英語家教Nick P 諺語(139)不同的人有不同的筆畫。 (English ...

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 135. The proverb today is different ; strokes for different folks. Okay. Let's take a look at the ...

Definition of 'different strokes for different folks'

DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS definition: said to mean that people are different, and that some individuals or groups have.

Different strokes for different folks

Proverbial saying, late 20th century, meaning that different ways of doing something are appropriate for different people (the saying is of US origin, ...

What is the difference between the expressions ' ...

2023年5月4日 — “Different strokes for different folks” means that everyone has their own way of doing things and their own tastes. It's implied that the ...

常春藤英語- 每日一句

2011年12月13日 — 每日一句-different strokes for different folks 各有所好. A: That music drives me crazy. B: I like it. You know what they say: different strokes ...